Hi everyone. As many of you know I’ve been struggling with hip pain for some time. At the end of January I will undergo hip surgery.
Of course, I will keep you updated on the rehab! The goal is to come back on the ice as soon as possible!!#nevergiveup #figureskating #life pic.twitter.com/iPS9yLgwyY— Carolina Kostner (@msKOSTNER) December 30, 2019
@msKOSTNER In bocca al lupo, tornerai più splendida di prima
@msKOSTNER @yoshtsh 🙂 You are so beautiful Miss Kostner. I'm so happy to watch videos of your skating. I wish you all the health and happiness. 😀 Thank you for skating!
@msKOSTNER get well soon caro. we'll be waiting for you
@msKOSTNER In bocca al lupo per il tuo intervento, spero ti riprenderai presto così potremmo ammirarti di nuovo sul ghiaccio!
@msKOSTNER Ti mando un grande abbraccio, sarai più forte di prima! ❤️
@msKOSTNER In bocca al lupo per l'intervento, Carolina!!! Un abbraccio forte, ti auguro una pronta guarigione, noi saremo qui ad aspettarti! ❤️
@msKOSTNER Buone feste e in bocca al lupo per l'operazione, tornaci presto!
@msKOSTNER Sending you ❤️❤️❤️
@msKOSTNER Get well soon Caro
@msKOSTNER Hope you are all better soon. Have a great new year. 🙂
@msKOSTNER Wow...just the fact that you don't retire is how wonderful you are! Please, take all the time you want! We want to see you again, competing next year!!! You're a unique and wonderful skater!
@msKOSTNER Wishing you quick recovery and sending lots of love
@msKOSTNER In bocca al lupo, Caro! Ci mancherai tanto sul ghiaccio, ti aspettiamo pazientemente
@msKOSTNER get well soon and look forward to seeing you back on ice!
@msKOSTNER Get well soon!!! ♥️
@msKOSTNER Tantissimi auguri di un buon 2020 per te e la tua famiglia ❤️
@msKOSTNER In bocca al lupo per tutto, Caro! Ti aspettiamo
@msKOSTNER Wishing you a quick recovery ♥️
@msKOSTNER Get well soon
@msKOSTNER I wish you a happy new year and a speedy recovery!
@msKOSTNER Tuff sport: Ladies of Fearless Perfection.
@msKOSTNER I hope it's a speedy recovery, I hope @rocktherinktour 2 will still happen and certainly we VM fans want your illustrious and dear presence! For hope is the last one to die !!
Good luck!!!
@msKOSTNER Feel better soon!
@msKOSTNER We will waiting for your comeback soon. Always with you
@msKOSTNER @azayakanablue get well soon, Caro.
@msKOSTNER Gute Besserung, Caro, wir warten auf dich!
@msKOSTNER Get well soon and hope u can come back .
@msKOSTNER Un in bocca al lupo Caro!!!! ❤️❤️ Ti aspettiamo!!
@msKOSTNER There's nothing you need to prove, beautiful Caro. You've given us everything for so many years... You've been my inspiration through hard times. Just get well and rest. Thank you for been a true athlete and heroe.
@msKOSTNER I know how terrible hip pain can be! Sending you tons of love and positive energy!!! Thank You for sharing your journey with us! Take care!
@msKOSTNER Get well soon and may you have a successful surgery!
@msKOSTNER Oh you scared that you retired, get well soon Caro, we will wait ❤️
@msKOSTNER Buon 2020 Carolina e in bocca al lupo! un abbraccio ❤️
@msKOSTNER @niceiceprincess I hope for a speedy recovery for you. Stay strong!
@msKOSTNER Best of luck with your surgery Carolina! Hope to see you back soon!
@msKOSTNER Forza @msKOSTNER un grande abbraccio e un augurio di un veloce recupero
@msKOSTNER Sending you the best vibes !!!
@msKOSTNER Praying for you, your family and your medical team. May your surgery be successful; praying for a complete, smooth recovery.
@msKOSTNER Well wishes and a speedy recovery!!
@msKOSTNER Praying for a speedy recovery for you
@msKOSTNER In bocca al lupo, tornerai piu' brava e forte...
@msKOSTNER I hope your health.
I have been supporting you all the time!
I have been supporting you all the time!
@msKOSTNER Sending you good thoughts and a speedy recovery!!
@msKOSTNER Guarisci presto, ti aspettiamo
@msKOSTNER get well soon caro ❤️
@msKOSTNER I hope the surgery goes well - I would love to see you back in good health and on the ice, showing us your wonderful skating, as soon as possible! ♥️✨
@msKOSTNER Ты молодец! Сильная! Здоровья тебе
@msKOSTNER @rockerskating So sorry to hear this news. Hope you will be back on the ice soon.
@msKOSTNER In bocca al lupo allora...ti auguro di tornare più forte di prima...
@msKOSTNER Dai siamo tutti con te io mi sono fatto operare di ernia del disco alla schiena ed ho risolto molto bene....allora per te un augurio ancora più speciale per un Buon inizio di Anno Nuovo
@msKOSTNER @rockerskating Wishing you a speedy recovery & pain free post-op life!
@msKOSTNER Hoping everything goes smoothly and you’re able to get back to doing what you love quickly.
@msKOSTNER In bocca al lupo! Everything will be fine and you’ll soon be back doing what you love
@msKOSTNER Auguri di cuore alla più dolce e forte campionessa
@msKOSTNER Best wishes to you, dear Caro. The beauty and artistry of you skating is unmatched. To witness all you bring to this sport is truly a privilege and I wish you a speedy and full recovery. Please know how appreciated and loved you are.
@msKOSTNER hoping for a swift and smooth recovery for you!
@msKOSTNER Coraggio Carolina!
@msKOSTNER good luck ❤️❤️❤️
@msKOSTNER Wishing you the best in your recovery xxx
@msKOSTNER It was a pleasure seeing you perform. Wishing you a full recovery.
@msKOSTNER God bless you, Caro. I wish you the best for the surgery.
@msKOSTNER Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
@msKOSTNER @rockerskating Fingers crossed for you. Hope to see you back on ice after the rehab.
@msKOSTNER sending good thoughts you way may you have a speedy recovery ✨
@msKOSTNER Good luck Carolina. Hope all goes well